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Connecterra is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

We adhere to GDPR standards for the storage and processing of your personal data.

Our platform is always changing, and we also share announcements, new features and other relevant news periodically to subscribers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Don't find the question listed below or unsure about the answer? Get in touch and we will get right back to you.

Can you integrate data that is not available on the farm?

Yes, any data available from any source can be integrated into the Connecterra platform and mapped to the relevant farm data.

Do you customize the platform for enterprise needs?

We recognize the need for customizations for large enterprises. Please contact our dedicated sales team for further details.

What do you consider an 'Enterprise' ?

An organization that employs more than 10 full-time staff, we consider an enterprise. For example, a consulting firm, a feed company or clinic with more than 10 full time staff would qualify as enterprises.

I work for a corporate entity, am I still eligible for the referral plan?

Yes, you are, but the 3 farm limit applies at an organization level. Please contact us if your company has exceeded this limit for a customized enterprise plan.

How do you determine the herd size for monthly billing?

We understand herd sizes can fluctuate over the course of a month and longer time durations. Based on the input you have provided, we consider the average yearly herd size as the baseline marker for billing purposes. If you expect your herd will grow or shrink by more than 15% of your licence count, please contact us.

I have questions about data privacy, ownership and data security.

Certainly! Please view our comprehensive FAQ about how we handle farm data. In short, farmers own and control every aspect of their data.

Will you sell my data to third parties?

No. Never. We are not in the business of data brokerage. We believe in the power of data for the owner of the data.

Do you offer a free trial?

You can sign up for a 60-day trial, with no obligations. Simply select the start trial button and we'll get you going in no time.

My herd size is larger than 5,000 cows, what plan is suitable for me?

For large operations, we recommend you contact our dedicated sales team for a customized price quote.

How does the referral plan work?

Farmers often require their external advisors to access their farm data. In order to facilitate this, we have created the referral model and pricing plan. Farmers can invite advisors to access the platform and a limited set of features for free.

As an advisor I have more than one farmer who has invited me to the platform. Is that still free?

Yes! Up to 3 connected farms are included in the free referral plan. If you require additional farms to be added, please contact us and we will provide you with a customized quote.

My operation uses software systems not mentioned in your supported integrations list, do I have to pay extra?

We are constantly adding new integrations to our platform. Chances are, we will support your system. In any case, we do not charge farmers for custom integrations and will work with you to ensure you are up and running. Please contact us with the the details of your systems.

I have requested an invitation from a farmer who is not on the Connecterra platform. How does this work?

The farmer you have requested data access from will be invited to the Connecterra platform. As soon as their data is integrated, you will be notified and able to view your customers' data in the platform.

Can we access any farms' data via your platform?

Every farmer must provide explicit consent for their data to be shared with a named enterprise. This is easily achieved trough the 'My Connections' feature in the platform and reduces sharing overhead.

Can you integrate data that is not available on the farm?

Yes, any data available from any source can be integrated into the Connecterra platform and mapped to the relevant farm data.

Do you customize the platform for enterprise needs?

We recognize the need for customizations for large enterprises. Please contact our dedicated sales team for further details.

What do you consider an 'Enterprise' ?

An organization that employs more than 10 full-time staff, we consider an enterprise. For example, a consulting firm, a feed company or clinic with more than 10 full time staff would qualify as enterprises.

I work for a corporate entity, am I still eligible for the referral plan?

Yes, you are, but the 3 farm limit applies at an organization level. Please contact us if your company has exceeded this limit for a customized enterprise plan.

How do you determine the herd size for monthly billing?

We understand herd sizes can fluctuate over the course of a month and longer time durations. Based on the input you have provided, we consider the average yearly herd size as the baseline marker for billing purposes. If you expect your herd will grow or shrink by more than 15% of your licence count, please contact us.

I have questions about data privacy, ownership and data security.

Certainly! Please view our comprehensive FAQ about how we handle farm data. In short, farmers own and control every aspect of their data.

How do you protect my data and privacy?

We value data protection and privacy to the highest possible standard. Please have a look at our privacy and data sharing policies to learn more.

Who owns the data you integrate?

Only individuals and organizations that you choose in the 'My Connections' part of the product have access to view your data. You can revoke this access at any time.

What if my data is not very good?

Don't worry. Farm data is inherently complex to manage, we will provide you with data quality analysis and specific support on how you can improve your data strategy to get better insights.

Can I invite others to the platform?

As a farmer, anyone you invite gets free access to a basic set of functionality. As an advisor, you can send invitations to farmers only.

Will you sell my data to third parties?

No. Never. We are not in the business of data brokerage. We believe in the power of data for the owner of the data.